BFFs: How to find a vendor or a client and live happily ever after

So you want to build a Drupal website, and you need to find a development firm? So you're a development firm and want to find a great client?

Discover the ins and outs of Drupal vendor/client relations, as Advomatic walks you through what we've found out over our five year history about what makes a good relationship, what can turn a relationship sour (believe me, we've had our fair share) and what you can do to make sure you have a successful experience with each and every vendor/client you work with.

Topics will include:

  • For Clients: Why RFPs are a horrible way to find a vendor, and the benefits of RFQs
  • For Clients: How to find and vet vendors
  • For Clients: Effective ways to keep your vendors educated, informed, and happy
  • For Vendors: How to keep your clients educated, informed, and happy
  • For Vendors: How to not waste time writing responses to RFPs that you'll never get.
  • For everyone: Group Therapy: Clients and Vendors open up about what works and what doesn't. Then we all hug it out.
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